In 2011, the Upper Neuse River Basin Association (UNRBA) began a project to evaluate the regulatory framework of the Falls Lake Nutrient Management Strategy which is costly and requires actions on the part of UNRBA member governments and other regulated parties that are unprecedented in the State. In light of the potential financial impact of these rules and importance of Falls Lake as a resource, the UNRBA began evaluating the technical bases and regulatory framework for the Falls Rules, particularly Stage II. Local governments agree that protecting the use of Falls Lake as a water supply is paramount, and they want to ensure that the standards applied to the watershed sufficiently and efficiently protect this resource.
In January 2012, the UNRBA contracted Cardno ENTRIX to conduct the technical and regulatory review of the Falls Lake Nutrient Management Strategy. During the 18 month contract, four project tasks were completed to provide the UNRBA with the information needed to make informed decisions regarding the next steps to implementation of the re-examination and to develop jurisdictional loads for regulatory and program implementation purposes:
The Project Overview provides background information about the project as well as a brief summary of each of the Cardno ENTRIX reports.